Why is it that when you have a near fatal experience, or almost lose someone very close to you that you gain a completely different perspective on life?
When i was 18 I was in a car accident. It was the most surreal experience... the whole slow motion, sirens, complete shock, dream state experience. When you realize how close you are to death everything you complained about a few minutes before seems irrelevant. You appreciate everything you have. Grateful for a rainy day, not caring if you missed the bus or forgot the garbage. Life goes on. You look at life with hope... and happiness for what you have.
After time... the feeling fades. The light that made everything seem so bright is gone and life goes back to normal.
Everyday I have clients that come to me and share their thoughts. Some have an energy that is so contagious i feel like they lift me up. Others have sad stories that make me want to hug them til its all better. Some are just 'whatever' about most things. Its allowed to have different reactions and emotions in life!! But what I'm getting at is its really our way of dealing with the cards that have been dealt. You cant go to Vegas to play poker and say 'hey... these cards suck, I want new ones'. Life doesn't work that way.
People seem to never live in the moment. Why is it always tomorrow or the next day? Or back when....
How about you look at RIGHT NOW and see what has made you happy today?
I'm only 26 years old... but I feel like it takes people a lifetime to finally figure out what makes them happy. It really shouldn't be that hard. A new pair of shoes might make you happy in the moment... but if you lost someone you loved would that pair of shoes have any relevance in your life? NO.... most likely the people that love you, and are there for you would be the only thing that helps you grieve, not your jimmy choo's.
Not to get all dark and emotional about death... but it seems like that's when most people realize whats important. Why does it have to get that extreme for us to realize?
As you might already know... I live in Norway. This country has just been rocked by a crime of hate and terror so inconceivable. Many lives were lost and a whole country was in mourning. I hope that out of this people will open their hearts and focus on the good. Take time to make someone smile. Help someone who has dropped their groceries. Coming from a land like Canada it might seem like these things are a given.... but not everywhere is as open. We can all do our part to change how things are.
I have a tattoo on my arm that reads 'Freedom is the ability to choose'. A lot of people ask me what I mean by that.... And what I mean is this. So many people complain about life. Everything from weather, appearance, weight gain, relationships, income, jobs in general... etc etc. But the thing is... you are the only person that can change your situation. If your unhappy with something then change it! You are free to decide that somethings not working for you. Either you change your outlook on life and stop focusing and the stuff that doesn't matter... or if your really not happy then figure out something else. If you cant do it on your own then get someone to help you:) It might seem easier to just continue with what you have going on... but is that really fair? We don't have anyone to blame but ourselves.
Take time for yourself. Reflect on what it is you enjoy. Focus on things that make you smile. Happiness is a mindset not a material thing you hold onto. You have a lot to be grateful for so act like it!
Lastly... to all my clients that think they are not good enough. Who look in a magnifying mirror and tell me that they have large pores (ANYONE who looks in a magnifying mirror can see their pores FYI) or that they hate their hair, or they feel ugly.... SERIOUSLY! I have never seen so many gorgeous people in one country so stop being so hard on yourselves!! Get some confidence because you have no need to be the one to rain on your own parade. Happiness is contagious... its also attractive. A smile is more attractive then anything else. Be Happy:) Life can be a WONDERFUL thing if you let it.
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