Its Time to Train your BRAIN!!!
I was just in Oslo for a seminar regarding skin care... but there were a few inspirational speakers that were really talented. I would love to share some of the key points with you all!!
Did you know that we have over 65,000 thoughts that run through our head each day? Did you also know that 95% of those thoughts are things we thought about yesterday, the day before and so and on and so on....
Our brain repeats itself over and over again in an area called the Limbic System...which is responsible for our emotions. This area is creating patterns that you repeat, often making a cycle that is hard to break. BUT with excercise it can change completely! Take for example... working out. In the beginning it is hard, you don't really know what your doing, and results seem nowhere in sight. After sticking with it things start to change. Your body changes, things become easier and you start to maybe enjoy it? Your brain can change, and break patterns too! It takes work that might seem silly... but its just as important for a positive mind.
(Some more info on the Limbic System )
The more negative thoughts that you think the more they will be repeated. This makes you believe a lot of things because your brain has processed it so many times without really being aware of it. Ever have an amazing day, people compliment you and take time to notice your hard work. Then one person can say something negative... and all those good things fly right out the window? Why is that? How can 8 compliments and 1 negative remark equal zero?? 8-1=0 ? Doesn't make sense... What we need to do is build ourselves up. Every time we have a negative thought we should counter-act it with a positive. We already repeat all these negative things in our head because that's what we have a stronger emotion from.. so lets do ourselves a favor and top up the positive bank so we have some cushion room.
The speaker at this seminar said that EVERY night she writes down the positive things that she felt that day. She would focus on ONLY the positive. If your brain wanders and you have a negative thought you MUST counter it with positive. So in the beginning it might take a long time to counter all the negatives that squeeze their way in there... but in the end you will be able to focus and believe all those positives :)
A place where we usually have negative thoughts about ourselves is when we compare ourselves to others. We all tend to compare ourselves with everyone else. Everything from body image, fashion, brains... to what is in their grocery kart. This is normal, and everyone does it. But what we need to see is that just because someone else is say 'beautiful' it doesn't mean that your not. Your thought process shouldn't be
'wow that girl is so smart, I must be stupid...'
it should be 'wow that girl is smart!' THATS IT! STOP THERE!
Why are we always so critical of ourselves? Everytime we compare ourselves to someone else we are most likely looking at something they have that we don't. But nobody is perfect, and everyone has qualities that they should appreciate. Its so scary when I hear all my clients, or friends, or co-workers speak so negatively about themselves. They are always pointing out flaws, and giving an example of someone else that doesn't have that flaw. WHY!? THESE THINGS ARE BEING REPEATED IN YOUR BRAINS!!! I'm pretty sure you want to feel good about yourself do you not? The only way to do that is so train your brain to be positive. Do you ever notice a really confident person.... not for their looks, but for their energy and self awareness? Confidence is attractive, regardless of what you look like. To see the positive in yourself is to be able to see it in others and be OK with it. I'm surrounded by beautiful people... and so many of them are ripping themselves apart, being jealous or mean to others because they feel shit about themselves. Its time to love yourselves for who you are, accept the great things you have to offer and BELIEVE it. It can take time... but the more you focus on the positive and counteract the negative the happier you will become.
Don't forget to love yourself, because that's a relationship for life... and happiness starts with seeing the positive:) Keep smiling, and be grateful for who you are ! :)
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